In the ever-evolving landscape of fluid handling, Shanbhags Group proudly introduces the Air-Operated Double Diaphragm Pumps (AODD pumps) by Teryair Equipment Private Ltd – a renowned Indian manufacturer. These pumps have become integral components in our portfolio, catering to diverse industries with their robust performance and versatile applications.
Teryair’s AODD pumps, featured in our product lineup, embody a straightforward yet intelligent design. The pumps operate on compressed air, eliminating the need for complex electrical systems. The heart of these pumps lies in the integration of two flexible diaphragms, typically made of resilient materials like PTFE or EPDM. This design allows for efficient fluid transfer with minimal energy consumption.
The working principle of Teryair’s AODD pumps is elegantly simple. Compressed air alternately fills and exhausts from the two diaphragm chambers, initiating a reciprocating motion. This rhythmic action creates a suction force, pulling the fluid into the pump. Upon compression, the liquid is then expelled through the outlet. This uncomplicated mechanism makes Teryair’s AODD pumps suitable for a wide spectrum of fluids, from thin chemicals to more viscous substances.
In collaboration with Teryair, Shanbhags Group takes pride in offering AODD pumps that redefine fluid handling across industries. Whether it’s efficiently managing solid-liquid mixtures, handling hazardous materials, or ensuring hygienic fluid transfer, Teryair’s AODD pumps emerge as reliable and efficient partners in the seamless operations of our esteemed clients in western India.